Sending an Email with a File Link Uploaded Through FTP

Sending an Email with a File Link

This tutorial will instruct you on sending a link in an email to the newly created file or folder.

Send an email with the file link

a. Open your e-mail program (e.g. Outlook, Thunderbird, SiteVision Web Mail)

b. Compose an email to your customer/vendor

c. In the email, provide the link to the file. It will be similar to: files


For example, if you uploaded a file named to the uploaded files folder within your web site folder, you would send a link of: files/


Note: When clicking on the provided link within an email will prompt you to download that item. You may have anti-virus software or other programs that will warn you of this. 

Article ID: 13, Created On: 6/9/2011, Modified: 6/9/2011